
Sustainable Winegrowing Australia - Certified member

Anderson winery & vineyard are currently certified members (vineyard & winery memberships) of Sustainable Winegrowing Australia, having passed our first audit with flying colours in July 2023.

From the Sustainable Winegrowing Australia Website:

"Growing and making wine sustainably is a holistic approach to production that evolves the environmental aspect of the craft. It looks at how we can better use energy and water to create efficiency, support regions and communities, and establish a business that is resilient and thriving."


Our auditor was particularly impressed with:

  • ourwaste managementand our culture of re-using as much as we can within the business (eg. plastic pallet wrapping as dust / splash covers, and actively re-using packaging materials). All our waste from our vineyard & winery combined fits in our regular sized fortnightly council kerbside garbage & recycling bins (no skip bin).
  • ourhazardous chemical usagein the winery is next to nothing (just minimal sulfur dioxide gas)
  • ourwater usage, particularly in the vineyard is very low. We don't have any water rights to worry about for the vineyard, and our wastewater volume from the winery is negligible
  • seeOur Philosophyfor more info on our water and sulphur dioxide usage.

The program fosters the idea of continually improving our business and processes, and having an ongoing "Sustainability Action Plan" is a core part of it. A couple of things on our plan at the moment are to install water meters on our rainwater supply lines so we know how much water we are using in the winery and can monitor this with the aim to reduce it even more; and to more closely monitor our electricity usage.

Photo credit: Rob Anderson (